Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stuffed toys from Japan and Taiwan

Meta Knight is from Sogo Department Store in Taiwan and Kirby is from Sogo Department Store in Japan. We walked and walked to find Kirby.

Meta Knight and KirbyMeta Knight is a blue Kirby wearing a mask. I like Meta Knight and Kirby because they are cute and powerful. They are fluffy and they can fly. I wish they were real. I will play with them and hug them.

I played Super Smash Brothers on the Wii and I found out about them. They are my favorite characters. mostly kirby is good meta knight is bad. he want's to destroy kirby. kirby is always good to others kirby and meta knight keep on fighting. they hate each other. they never became good friends. they never smile to others and when they always see each other, they have sad faces. always sad faces.